Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fever Pitch

"You love the socks, but have they ever loved you back?" how often do you direct love towards things that don't love you back. Hobbies, work, sports, there is nothing wrong with these things but when we put them befor our family, friends, spouses and most importantly God. it pushes us away from them and a gap starts to form and it takes time to build a bridge between that gap. so take the time to evaluate what takes up your time, maybe you have to do a little reevaluating. love what Loves you back. God and the many blessings he gives deserves all our time and energy.

Friday, February 27, 2009

thankful for my sister.

she is a total blessing. since moving out we have grown closer than before. we have shared tears through tough times. we have shared laughs through our dorky humor, and pure stupidity. and we have shared crutches. where one is weak the other is there to help us through. i thank God for the sister he gave me and for parents who taught me to never go to bed angry with her. so excited to spend the night with my sister. Girls night. if you have a sister and havent talked in awhile call her i am sure she would love to hear from you. sisters are one of Gods many blessings in a world of chaos.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

i Wanna WORSHIP you...

" the soul represents the deepest part of who we are. that's the level on which God wants to relate to you, the point at which we meet him in worship." what does its mean to be a worshiper of Christ, is something i found myself wondering today? is it worshiping God on sundays and the rest of the week its you and what you've got going on in your life. well the truth is that worship isn't just a sundya routine its a LIFESTYLE. something that we should do everyday with everything that we are. so when we are working our glamorous jobs and all we really want is to go home, we are to worship God. with our attitudes and give 100 percent of ourselves to worship God through our work. OUCH!!! but when we do this each day it prepares our hearts to come into God's presence. what does this mean to worship God daily? a worship session in our house with guitars and singing? no it means offering time up to God. spending time with just him through prayer, song, silence, and giving all that you are to God. Praising him for the blessings and struggles we face in life. offering our soul to God and meeting him on a real soulful level. today i found my soul longing to be on that real level, a daily worshiper. giving every breath i have to worship God. since i am not perfect it wont always be easy to do but it is something i'm longing for to better my life. there is always room for the soul to grow. still just a girl seeking all that God has in store for my LIFE.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


its hard at times to count the blessings you have especially during these rough times. But in these times of weakness God makes us strong. I always find comfort in THE WORD that God uses the weak to lead the strong and no matter how weak I think I am God gives me these struggles because he knows I am strong enough. Its hard at times for me to trust him 100 percent. But when I look back the times that i trust God 100 percent everything turned out better then ok. and sometimes we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But when we look to God the dim light starts to shine through. And sometimes we ask why it didn't work out? but i'm not worried cause if it didn't or doesn't work out its because its not what the big man upstairs wants for my life. Today i took a deep breath and stepped back from the unsure things in my life and i am leaving them at his feet. For he is in control.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

one woman made a huge impact on millions of lives. imagine what we could do together.


can change the world. There are so many ways to show love. Its more than a four letter word its an action. You can show love in so many ways. Giving to those less fortunate, helping older people struggling down the bread isle, a simple smile. The list could go on for days. But I think a lot of us have lost sight of love. we are so focused on ourselves that we forget about love. and the wonderful effect it can have on ourselves and the people around us. So today remember that love can change the world for the better and it starts with you.