Monday, September 13, 2010


life has been so crazy the past few weeks. and to be honest you quite trying. i have been struggling with so much. but the Lord has been teaching me to perservere under trials. it may be tough for a while but the Lord is in control and will prove himself faithful. Its hard at times to press on when it seems as if the world you know begins to crumble but the Lord is faithful. I am learning this its not easy, but no matter what I am placing my faith in Christ.


  1. You are right, it is a hard lesson. The possitive is that when we learn it, and we learn to TRUST HIM to bring us through whatever the trial may be, we are stronger for it. We also walk away with more faith and trust than we had before. Stay on your knees sweet girl, and keep looking at your wrist with the word Faith on it......You will get through this. I am here and praying for you!

  2. thanks erin! i miss you guys hope all is well! i am learning to trust Him with all i am. this month has been very tough financially. i had some expenses i wasnt plannin on doctors appoint, car problems but i know the Lord will provide! I just have to remember worrying gets me no where. and He is faithful love you!
