Wednesday, September 9, 2009

in love...

i am falling in love with island with every passing day. but more importantly i am falling in love with God. this past week i have been all over this island enjoy Gods creations. i slept on the beach with no tent under the stars with the waves crashing in the background. it was wonderful laying my head to rest and feeling so close to God. we were sharing a night under the stars. it was an amazing night. the next day i went to the north shore and snorkeled and enjoyed to fish in the sea. i love that everywhere were we look there is beauty to be enjoyed. each thing is so intricatly designed and amazing that i know there is a God. God has made each of us wonderfully. i love that nature speaks to my heart and draws me near to God. Keep reading for weekely updates and this Girl seeking God. love all


  1. I am so happy to hear you are doing great!

  2. I want to be there!!! You are making me covet your living conditions! ;)
